The basis for all successful beef herds has to be the females. Putting together a herd of outstanding cows is the objective of all beef breeders, some herds have been assembled for well over 100 years, still aiming for the ultimate.
Throughout the history of the Angus breed, different directions have been followed. As is the case in most aspects of breeding, where the productive ability of the latest genetics cannot be accurately measured until several years later, aims and objectives tend to historically, overcorrect. At Brooklana, we believe balance is the key, breeding Angus cattle true to type, offering the benefits for which the breed has become sought after. We tend to shy away from what we refer to as “the next best thing”. Lots of young sires are marketed with glitz and glamour and if they don’t deliver, the stud breeder and their customer base, have a long journey of correction ahead of them.